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Aptem Product Feature: Customisation – the ability to change the onboarding experience per programme.

vector graphic to customise learner experience

Programme flexibility is essential in ensuring learners’ individual needs are met. That’s why Aptem has in-built customisation available, which gives you the ability to customise the onboarding and learner experience per programme.

To ensure that you can deliver the best possible learner experience, Aptem has simplified the process of creating customisable onboarding processes. You can create changes that best suit each programme at the click of a button.

To customise learner experience, you must think beyond just learning delivery. The entire learner journey should consist of considered interactions that keep the learner engagement throughout the entire process. The first of these interactions, with you as a provider, is the enrolment experience. 

Aptem allows you to design each aspect of the enrolment experience, from beginning to end. The first interaction learners have with the system should be clear and succinct. Aptem allows you to present an initial page that is not overloaded with information, is manageable and most importantly does not force a learner into form-filling before they’ve had a chance to understand who you are as an organisation and what you provide. This helps to prevent learner disengagement. It ensures your first interaction with the learner is informative and positive.


Data is an essential aspect of programme building and so form-filling will form a significant part of learner onboarding. However, it can be done in a way that encourages participation and reduces the amount of time learners need to spend on what can sometimes be a fairly arduous task. 

Aptem allows you to customise forms easily so they are grouped into sections and have further relevant questions revealed using case logic. This reduces the need for learners to use the ‘not applicable’ option, making the process more streamlined and accessible. We suggest that forms are used sparingly and are customised to capture only the datapoints you need and keep forms streamlined. Additionally, don’t end the onboarding experience with a form. Aim to keep forms in the middle of the onboarding journey for best results.

Skills and assessment

During onboarding, there is often a need to assess the starting knowledge of a learner to understand what level of apprenticeship they may need, or to understand eligibility. This is commonly done using a skill scan graded against the Knowledge, Skills and Behaviours from the Standard. Often these skill scans are not accessible due to the language or grading system used. This can appear to be arbitrary to a new learner who may not have been exposed to this type of grading system before. It’s important that when creating an assessment of skills you customise it to ensure it is relatable to your target learners. 

At this stage of onboarding, we suggest you use questions within the self-assessment. Utilise the Skills Scan technology to find out more about the learner and their job role. Then, complete the full KSB assessment at a later stage.

Similarly, many onboarding programmes require an initial assessment, which may be a functional skills assessment or a Cognassist assessment. Often learners are presented with a link to the assessment with no additional information about it or why they need to complete it. It’s important to customise the initial assessment experience to maintain learner engagement. 

One way this can be done in Aptem is to edit the page so it shows an overview of what the assessment is, what it entails, and give an estimated completion time. You can also include the reason it’s important and the information that you, the provider, will gain from the learner completing the assessment. This helps the learner to feel part of the on-boarding process. Doing so increases participation rates, morale and engagement.

Onboarding is often your first interaction with a learner. It is the first opportunity to provide a positive learner experience. Customisation can help you curate an experience that is engaging, interactive and ensures that the learner journey is collaborative and successful.

Please note that certain features and functionality highlighted here are exclusive to specific Aptem packages. Please speak to your Business Development Manager, or Customer Success Manager if you are already an Aptem customer, for further information.

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