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The Aptem Higher Education Forum May 2024

higher education forum 2024 on a laptop screen

Thank you to all those who joined our online higher education forum on 8 May 2024 HE Forum. We were very happy to see so many of our HEI customers there.

Throughout the day, we covered:

  • The Ofsted Big Listen.
  • Driving engagement through Reviews.
  • Introducing the new Communications Connector with Teams.
  • What’s next for the Aptem product.
  • Utilising OData to create performance dashboards.
  • New academic year preparation & Aptem.

Highlights from the day

There were lots of highlights from the 2024 higher education forum.

Kerry Boffey

Kerry Boffey from the Fellowship of Inspection Nominees (FIN) started the day. She gave a presentation on the Ofsted Big Listen and the opportunity for HEIs to contribute to the sector-wide consultation. She shared findings from recent sessions with FIN and UVAC members and invited views from participants. All HE Forum members also had a survey to complete prior to the consultation ending on 31 May 2024.

Claire Sykes

Claire Sykes from Aptem’s Implementation Team then led a session on Driving engagement through Reviews in Aptem. She looked at our extensive functionality within reviews. Claire showed participants how reviews can be added to Learning Plans. With Aptem, you can pull in as many as you like from a ‘Master reviews programme’. This enables consistency while allowing each Learning Plan to adapt to that learner’s needs and programme.

Claire introduced the idea of the virtual shelf. She explained how the Aptem system can be set up to record any engagement with a learner or employer. It works in the same way as having files of completed forms in an office. She showed a range of ways in which you can use Reviews functionality within the system. This includes tripartite progress reviews, IAG, additional learning support, compliance reviews, and more. And how these uses of reviews can help to improve quality and simultaneously standardise and flex your approach. It can also provide an audit trail and improve efficiencies in programme configuration. You can use it to deliver reportable outcomes.

Freya Ni Chleirigh

After the coffee break, Freya Ni Chleirigh, Aptem Product Owner, introduced a new Aptem feature – a Communications Connector with Microsoft Teams. This new functionality allows customers to bring their Microsoft Teams license into Aptem. This enables seamless integration and management of online events in teams directly via the Aptem platform. Freya showed how customers would set up the Communication Connector. She demonstrated how it works across meetings and reviews, and the various ways in which tutors and learners can join the meeting. Learn more here.

James Love

James Love is Chief Product Officer at Aptem. He continued the discussion of new features and enhancements in the Aptem product. This presentation took participants through the latest product development roadmap. James showed what has already been delivered as part of Aptem Enhance. He also introduced some of the exciting functionality currently being explored and developed.

James Lett

Solutions Consultant James Lett concluded the ‘What’s new for Aptem’ session by introducing plans for Aptem Academy. This tool will be available to Aptem customers using our Zendesk Help Center. It will help support your new and existing staff with learning aspects of Aptem. James explained how it will also help train users on new functionality within Aptem as it gets released. The Academy tool will also include some assessments to check and showcase Aptem knowledge and understanding.

Katie Kiernander

After lunch, Katie Kiernander from Kaimetrics Ltd, showcased some impressive data visualisation work she has done on a consultancy basis for Middlesex University, using OData to create performance dashboards. She spoke with David Lockhart-Hawkins, with whom she collaborated on this project. Katie has recently started this consultancy, building on extensive senior-level apprenticeship sector expertise combined with being a qualified management accountant and data analyst. The session inspired participants to think about the advanced ways to present apprenticeship data for use within HEIs.

Angela Metcalfe

The day concluded with a presentation from Angela Metcalfe, Aptem Implementation Consultant. She led a session on new academic year preparation and the impact on Aptem. Angela covered how changes in funding rules and compliance document templates, new versions of standards/qualification criteria and changes in curriculum delivery or EPAO requirements can impact providers.

She gave advice around version control, scheduling and getting new starts set up on programme. She also spoke about account management (archiving business leavers, updating Aptem system Champions/Superusers), Power BI reports (maximising funding and QAR), process trackers and how to stay on track throughout the year.

Thank you to everyone for engaging with the Higher Education Forum 2024. Special thanks to Kerry, David, and Katie, as well as our Aptem colleagues, for their presentations. We were very glad to get such positive feedback and look forward to seeing everyone next time.

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