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Aptem Checkpoint product launch – a first look at independent AI-driven learner progress checking

Aptem Checkpoint learner progress webinar screenshot

Wondering how you can track and increase your learner progress? Aptem Checkpoint is the newest product enhancement for Aptem Apprentice. It independently checks a learner’s understanding throughout their apprenticeship, evidencing progress and acting as a supportive tool to successful completion.

In a webinar on 8 November 2023, we introduced our vision for Aptem Enhance. The suite of new product features combines AI technology with extensive apprenticeship insight. These exciting new tools are creating a game-changing experience for learners and tutors.

Our Product team showcased the first of these enhancements, Aptem Checkpoint. It’s our new, independent AI-driven learner progress checking tool. We were joined by Ryan Palmer, CEO of YMCA and one of Aptem Checkpoint’s early adopter customers.

Aptem Checkpoint offers an objective indicator of progress and distance travelled for every learner, improving the accuracy of planned end date and learner revenue forecasts. It guides tutors about where they should focus their efforts to best support learners.” Paige Exeter, Aptem Product Manager 

When looking at the level of innovation that’s taking place, the opportunity to become an early adopter of [Aptem] Checkpoint seemed too good to pass up. We’re very excited to support not only Aptem, but the movement of the apprenticeship market into the next generation.” Ryan Palmer, CEO at YMCA

Interested? If you would like to stay up-to-date with new technologies such as Aptem Checkpoint, or hear about any of the Aptem suite of products, get in touch today. We can help you with your learner progress and all elements of apprenticeship management.

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